
Read What Karen’s Clients Have To Say

Your strength is first and foremost about getting the right people on the bus doing the right things. Then you help them strategize and from that operationalize their strategy through processes and scalable, sustainable systems.

Kathy Miller

Non-Executive Director

Tecsys Inc.

We are indeed fortunate to have Karen Walker supporting our organizational growth at KeyFactor. Her forward thinking approach provides steady guidance as she helps drive the company to high performance norms. A constant in all her efforts, which I find most important, is that she truly cares about the success of the company and each employee as we undertake our journey. She is ,without question, the best transformative business partner I’ve had the pleasure to work with in my 40+ years of professional experience. I recommend her highly!

Jim DeBlasio

EVP of Operations and CFO


“Karen Walker has had a real business impact . . . We’ve been working with her for a number of years and she is a trusted partner that’s really gotten to understand our business and culture. We’re an execution oriented company. They help us apply an organizational framework to our actions, ensuring alignment and focus at every level.”

Dave Gould

Venture Capitalist, former CEO

Witness Systems

Karen’s thoughtful approach to leadership development has had a profound impact on my team and our organization as a whole. I’ve leveraged Karen’s expertise in several capacities, from developing myself as a leader to further enabling my teams’ ability to effectively communicate in a dynamic environment. While adhering to a proven set of methodologies, Karen also takes a customized approach based on organizational dynamics to ensure the efficacy of her programs. Not only do I view Karen as the most effective organizational consultant that I’ve worked with, she is a trusted advisor as well, whom I’d gladly recommend to anyone.

Ian Steward

Chief Revenue Officer


Karen created a deep sense of trust with our leadership team over time. They only see her a few times a year, but speak with her regularly and about anything. She helps the team work better together and get the most out of each person, especially as they take on new roles, broader responsibilities and higher expectations. Karen is now setting off to help us build the strength of the level below the executive team. Each person starts in a different place and has different needs. Her ability to make a difference quickly is important to our continued growth.

Tony Clancy



Karen’s value lies in her ability to prompt us to think and act differently, more broadly and deeply. She brought the relevant ideas from her vast experience and knowledge, and supported their implementation in our organization. The result? We created a foundation for sustained growth; we made the transition and are leading our company to the next level. We wouldn’t be where we are today without her.

Mike Sullivan


Schlesinger Associates

Karen is the best in the country at what she does. Karen is essential to our success because she has a rare combination of strong business expertise to complement her organization knowledge. Her “real world” expertise (as an executive at one of the fastest growing companies in American history) and perspective enables her to relate immediately and credibly with my leadership teams, increasing her impact at both a strategic and operational level. Working with her, I’ve created more focused collaborative organizations and, as a result, more quickly achieved our potential and goals.

Dave Keil



Our work with Karen is so helpful – her calm, 30,000 ft view helps us sort out big issues we couldn’t see while firefighting ( or just trying to get our work done) day to day.

Karen Hsu

Vice President

Welltok, Inc., Provider Market Solutions

“Karen has helped us understand our leadership bench strength and gaps significantly – and how we can drive improved leadership effectiveness. Through a formal 360 assessment process, targeted coaching, and leadership retreats, they have helped us accelerate out organization’s transformation.”

Wei Tih Cheng


Aetna Health

Karen and I worked together when she led a strategic planning process for our organization. From the beginning, Karen impressed me with her energy and ability to engage all stakeholders with a combination of challenge and support that helped to create the right conditions for success.

Dr. Angela E. Batista

Former VP, Champlain College | Author | Cultural Architect | DEI Strategist

She, her, hers

“Thank you Karen! Your leadership helped us achieve our objectives and will enable us to continue to drive exponential growth.”

Alan Ota

VP Strategic Alliances


No Dumbing Down is a “must read” for any new or seasoned CEO, looking to effectively grow their organization. With inspirational and relevant quotes from leaders in industries and with analytic tools, Karen navigates the pitfalls we all encounter that impact a company’s culture. It is not enough to look at the bottom line and focus on team-building; good CEO’s must constantly assess how they actively harness a culture of performance. This book doesn’t just ask leaders to reflect on the possibility of culture shifts; it demands it!

Miki Kapoor

President and Chief Executive Officer

Verana Health

When it comes to running a business, none of us has time for approaches that leave us asking, “So what?” In our decade of working together, Karen demonstrated an unflappable bias for action and an obsession for meaningful results. Her book will enable you to achieve those same kinds of results and all the different types of success that goes with them.

Rod Canion

Founder and Former CEO

Compaq Computer Corporation

After just one virtual meeting with Karen, my distributed team is solving conflicts and working as a unit. They’ve really come together to deliver better results.

Megan Gilhooly

Sr. Manager Content Strategy

AWS Solutions Architecture

“Karen’s six key strategies that entrepreneurs can use as benchmarks as part of their decision making process offered a fresh approach to evaluating growth that had our attendees nodding their heads in agreement.”

Harriet Hollis

Executive Director

The Atlanta CEO Council

“In our first engagement, the value that Karen provided propelled us toward hitting our 5X sales growth number, with an ROI of over 500% to date. Our team is now fully aligned – we are looking in the same direction, working from the same page with a clear, cohesive vision and executable plan.”

Kristi Zuhkle



Karen Walker’s book, No Dumbing Down, is a quick-hitting treasure trove of applicable models that can and should be applied to a growing business. Her extensive insights are shared in a practical and approachable manner that supports the imperfect but all-important discipline of transitioning in and out of levels of organizational maturity.

Jeff Margolis

Chairman and CEO

Welltok, Inc. and Founding CEO, TriZetto

“My work with Karen made me a more effective CEO. Some of the moves we made led to our most profitable quarter ever.”

Tara Carillo


The Clearing

“I like Karen’s approach because she makes things work efficiently, and we get the results we need. It’s always hard to find time for … strategy setting, but somehow Karen’s team makes it all happen without too much effort. I guess it is their rich background and experience. I’m pretty sold on it.”

Mary Nugent



“Karen really helped my team uncover underlying themes that were inhibitors to our team goals and, more importantly, she provided an actionable framework for tackling these areas.” Thanks Karen!

Brendan Tolleson

Vice President

Channel Partners, QASymphony

“As always, thank you Karen, for your help. I definitely couldn’t have been successful in this stretch assignment without you.”

Terry Chism


Technology. nCourt

“One benefit to working with Karen is having a partner that I can trust to help me look at the issues and find ways to move forward. She helps me see things from a different perspective, bringing new possibilities that I would never find.”

Jane Smith

FAIA, IIDA Founder and Partner

Spacesmith, LLP

Karen has been an incredibly valuable asset to the strategy and growth of our business. Her work began in the area of strategic planning and now includes staff development, growth assessments, talent acquisition, organizational structure…and global growth strategies that include M&A. She is a trusted advisor to our senior leadership, counted on in numerous ways. Her character is impeccable, which goes along well with acute business acumen.

Steve Schlesinger


Schlesinger Associates

“She has an uncanny sense of how to draw out the best in people – to get them to realize that the effective team is greater than than the sum of its parts. It is impressive to watch and even more moving to experience the transformation that she engenders. Champlain’s engagement of Karen has been one of the best moves we have made. Our leadership team has benefitted tremendously and the lessons we learned from Karen serve us well every day.”

Dr. David F. Finney


Champlain College

Karen Walker is an extraordinary professional with a reputation for taking a company and transforming it into a profitable business. Using her proven methodology and overall mentorship, Karen lays the groundwork for success with focus on goals and details that generate the most positive results. Her work ethic and integrity resonates with the staff. Any sales driven company will benefit from Karen’s thought process, methods and experience. If you’re looking for game changing results for business growth, call Karen.

Helen Zouvelekis

Digital Marketing Director


“She is exactly the kind of person you would seek out for measured, honest, and thoughtful advice. She works hard and seeks to understand the corporate dynamics and psychology underlying organizational and individual decisions.”

Eileen Elliott


Dunkiel Saunders Elliott Raubvogel & Hand

“Karen’s team was fantastic! They were instrumental in designing and conducting the inquiry process as well as galvanizing the leadership team, contributing greatly to our effectiveness. They added huge value, going above and beyond their responsibilities to see this project through.”

Charlie Smith


Vermont Agency of Human Services

“Achieving results requires skillful management of team dynamics, personal intuition, a gentle touch when necessary, yet control and authority when required. I would not hesitate to refer Karen to any client, owner or organization. She is a great asset to any corporation and I look forward to further working with her in the future.”

Michel Franck

Managing Partner


I believe Karen’s personality is her key to success. She employs wit, warmth, and wisdom in equal measure as she listens, suggests, and guides. I recommend her to anyone who is seeking to objectively assess their skills with the aim to hone their strengths while improving their weaknesses. Her long senior management experience is evident in the questions she poses and in the advice she proffers.

Peter Armaly


BMC Software

Karen’s contribution was a major factor in the success of the Witness Systems leadership development and team building programs. Karens own interpersonal skills, her professionalism, knowledge and expertise are a valuable combination when looking to get the best out of teams and individual team members.

Phil Dawes


SSP (Worldwide)

I had the pleasure of working with Karen at Compaq Computer Corporation and Texas Instruments. Karen is one of the most talented colleagues with an amazing depth and breadth of business acumen that spans functions and industry sectors. Karen is able to drive numerous complex priorities while demonstrating the utmost professionalism, gaining the respect of all those she interacts with. She is flawless in her execution. I highly recommend Karen, and would be pleased to discuss her outstanding abilities at any time.

Cathleen Nickel


Compaq Computer

Partnering with OneTeam and Karen to help Champlain College was a joyful experience. Her agile, direct and intelligent communication made expectations clear and paved the path to mutual success. Her high-trust style quickly fostered mutual respect and allowed for maximum independence, yet she was always available to provide clarity and assistance at a moments notice when needed.

Josh Weinstein

Creative Organizational Transformation Strategist, Video Producer and Facilitator

“Karen is a thought leader whose work is grounded in strong values and a focus on results. I’ve seen the positive impact of Oneteam’s approach to organizational effectiveness with groups as diverse as world class skydivers, to start-ups, to senior teams within large corporations.”

Julie Staudenmier

Senior Director, Global Learning and Development


Case Studies

Our partnering approach is based on creating real, ongoing value for our clients. We see the unique vision of each client as a real test – and a real opportunity – for both the client and ourselves. These case studies place our services in the context of these diverse challenges. We invite you to explore what a relationship with our team can mean.

Reorganizing for Increased Effectiveness: A State Agency Rethinks its Structure

Over time, organizational structures can become ossified and detract from optimal performance. Faced with a legislative mandate to reorganize and improve customer service, this state agency thoroughly rethought its structure. “Karen’s team was fantastic! They were instrumental in designing and conducting the inquiry process as well as galvanizing the leadership team, contributing greatly to our effectiveness. They added huge value, going above and beyond their responsibilities to see this project through.” Charlie Smith, Secretary Vermont Agency of Human Services

Leaders for Tomorrow: Insurance Company Launches Leadership Development Program

A major health insurance company understands the need to begin developing tomorrow’s leaders today. In response to this need, the organization created a Leadership Development Program (LDP) designed to nurture and shape emergent leaders who will ultimately form the backbone of the company’s leadership. The program’s intent is to shift the entire organization’s culture over time by infusing the company with adaptive, courageous leaders of character.

Healing the Healers: A Healthcare Turnaround

This regional ophthalmology center had grown from a private practice to an employer of thirty-five. An early adopter of LASIK and corneal surgery practices, the firm had enjoyed rapid growth in a favorable regulatory and competitive environment. Then the FBI knocked on the door, with a highly visible investigation into possible Medicare issues. Unexpected challenges are an opportunity for change.

“Oneteam has the unique ability to see the underlying issues that challenge most teams and to enable individuals and organizations to grapple with and overcome those challenges. Their professionalism, empathy and integrity instantly earn the trust of every member of the work team.”

Dr. Joel K. Shugar, MD, MSEE, Medical Director, CEO Nature Coast Eyecare Institute

Victims of Success: A Global Software Leader gets Back in the Game

Meeting your customers needs, being in the right place, having the right mix — sometimes the combination results in explosive growth.  When a company vaults to the top, sometimes there are severe growing pains. Internal dysfunctions were allowing this top tier software company to rapidly lose market share to its rival.  New product releases were needed, and time was critical.  Staying on top presented challenges as great as getting there.

Shared Strategy: Creating the Environment for Optimal Execution

This top tier software company was experiencing heavy competitive pressure. Their products suite was a standard for the industry, but smaller, more flexible rivals had produced a greatly improved suite of products. Internal development was stagnated and the clock was ticking. Held to the highest standard, the company needed to develop their new product release with more features and higher quality in less time than any of their previous versions.

Crossing the Border to Excellence: A Domestic Software Leader Goes Global

Leaders in the digital revolution, this software firm had successfully captured their market in the United States.  Through a blend of organic and external strategic growth, the company was primed to take the next step: capture a global market.

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